An Opportunity to Grow
Our flower farm in Cornwall is becoming a reality after originally seeing a post on the Ecological Land Cooperative's instagram feed in October 2023. Though we had been looking for land for over a decade.
Once we had reached out to the ELC with our intention to be considered for the land in Cornwall, we were asked to consider firstly what it would mean to live a low impact, off-grid life on land neighbouring other ELC stewards and to live cooperatively.
Our values sit well with those that the ELC are looking for. Working cooperatively for us looks like generosity and kindness; enabling reciprocity. Caring for Others we hold very dear to us. It ties in very closely with the ethics we subscribe to in Permaculture: Care for People, Care for Planet and Fair share.
From our Christian perspective love is a broader and longer-term action than care; it involves care, as we are called to love one another. When someone is well loved, they love well, its is a virtuous circle that ripples our to community.
Here on our little patch of Eden, we have been given the opportunity to steward this land, to farm, intentionally and this journal will document our journey on the land.