
Wholesale Flowers for Florists & Designers

Wholesale Flowers for Florists & Designers

British grown seasonal flowers for your floristry shop or business—this is at the heart of our intention for our Cornish business

Wholesale Flowers for Florists & Designers

British grown seasonal flowers for your floristry shop or business—this is at the heart of our intention for our Cornish business

An Opportunity to Grow

An Opportunity to Grow

Our flower farm in Cornwall is becoming a reality after originally seeing a post on the Ecological Land Cooperative's instagram feed

An Opportunity to Grow

Our flower farm in Cornwall is becoming a reality after originally seeing a post on the Ecological Land Cooperative's instagram feed

Natural, Wild Wedding Flowers

Natural, Wild Wedding Flowers

Natural, wild and romantic wedding flowers are what we curated for A & J for their outdoor summer wedding

Natural, Wild Wedding Flowers

Natural, wild and romantic wedding flowers are what we curated for A & J for their outdoor summer wedding

Our Flower Farm in Cornwall

Our Flower Farm in Cornwall

This is the month we finally received good news from the Planning Office at Cornwall Council: now we can start our farm

Our Flower Farm in Cornwall

This is the month we finally received good news from the Planning Office at Cornwall Council: now we can start our farm