Biodynamic Approach

Growing approach


2024 was the centenary year for the Biodynamic movement founded by Rudolf Steiner and this approach to growing and caring for the land is the one we are choosing to pursue. Its a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming that integrates scientific understanding with a recognition of the spirit of nature.

Put simply its organic plus, a collaboration between us and nature where we both flourish.

Our farm is unique, and there's no favouritism intended. Its made up of interwoven systems that depend on one another – soil, plant, animal, humans and the environment. Its makes sense therefore to see the whole farm as an organism, one that aims for self sufficiency in a closed loop for fertility.

Five principles

Our biodynamic approach to our flower farm concerns observing nature, listening, sensing and conversing with our flowers; and is governed by five principles:

we realise our interconnectedness to all creation and embrace it, recognising our responsibility to its ecological diversity, beauty and life-sustaining properties;

we work with both the material/physical and the energetic/life force aspects of the world;

we recognise the farm as a living whole; with all the interdependent dynamic parts we strive to establish balance and biological completeness;

we apply a series of biodynamic homeopathic preparations, made from plants, quartz and cow manure, to feed the flowers and soil;

we aim for our cultivations to coincide with lunar, solar and planetary alignments, such as planting, harvesting and seed saving according to the cycle of the moon.


Trelowen is on a conversion journey to Biodynamic certification, which will make us the first Biodynamic flower farm in Cornwall.

After two years we will be Organic certified through the Biodynamic . Three years for Demeter certified.

We aim to become a hub for those interested in these practises of Biodynamics.

Read our journey on the Journal